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Version: 1.0

Install zrok in macOS


brew install zrok

Darwin Binary

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Download the binary distribution for your macOS architecture. For Intel Macs use the amd64 distribution. For Apple Silicon Macs use the arm64 distribution.

  1. Unarchive the distribution in a temporary directory.

    cd ~/Downloads && mkdir -p /tmp/zrok && tar -xf ./zrok*darwin*.tar.gz -C /tmp/zrok
  2. Install the zrok executable.

    mkdir -p ~/bin && install /tmp/zrok/zrok ~/bin/
  3. Add ~/bin to your shell's executable search path. Optionally add this to your ~/.zshenv to persist the change.

  4. With the zrok executable in your path, you can then execute the zrok command from your shell:

    zrok version
    _____ __ ___ | | __
    |_ / '__/ _ \| |/ /
    / /| | | (_) | <
    /___|_| \___/|_|\_\

    v0.4.0 [c889005]